DC1: Wide-angle glide-symmetric absorbers for aircraft communications

The Task 1.1 of the WP1 will be conducted with the doctoral project of the Doctoral Candidate 1, Mrs. Raquel ARENAS-ALVAREZ

The project will be supervised by SU (Guido VALERIO and Julien SARRAZIN)  and THALES (Thi-Quynh-Van HOANG  and Erika VANDELLE).

DC1: Wide-angle glide-symmetric absorbers for aircraft communications


  • GS transformation (by including a double layer structure) of absorbers in use in the aircraft industry at 1-4 GHz, and evaluation of the performance of new GS absorbers.
  • Development of a model for the GS absorbers based on an equivalent circuit of the layered structure. The model will have to be reliable over a large bandwidth and a wide range of incident angles. The model will allow for the fast study and optimization of this class of structures.
  • Study of the absorbing performance with respect to the bandwidth and the incidence angle and optimization by means of the circuit model developed. The overall thickness will not exceed one tenth of the maximal wavelength, and a 90% absorption over an angular stability of more than 60° will be aimed.
  • Design of at least two prototypes, maximizing the frequency bandwidth and the angular response.
  • Fabrication and measurement of the designed prototypes.

Expected Results

  • Development of a circuit model capable to optimize a complex GS absorber and predict its behaviour without recurring to lengthy numerical simulations.
  • Quantification of the achievable performance of a GS absorber based on the expected fabrication tolerances.
  • Development of design rules for the GS absorbers according to the figures of merit to maximize.
  • Designed prototypes of GS absorbers meeting market requirements.