Network Overview
The GENIUS Doctoral Network is composed of six outstanding Researchers who perform their PhD projects under the supervision of academic and industrial partners. In the figure below the distributions of projects among the partners in different Working Packages (WP) is shown.

WP1: Glide symmetry technology for aerospace applications
The WP1 deals with the modelling, design, realization and testing of devices for aircraft and in-orbit Satcom terminals. Circuit models for absorbers and EBG, and quasi-optical methods for lenses will be developed. The devices will have high power capabilities, operating up to the Ka band, and be compatible with spatial applications.

WP2: Glide symmetry technology for automotive applications
The WP2 deals with the modelling, design, realization and testing of devices for automotive sensing. Modelling developed in this WP will be circuit models and integral equations. The devices under study should be low-power, of compact size, operating at W or G frequency bands, and easy to fabricate.